Dear President Mr. Barrack Hussain Obama Sir,
I am writing to you concerning ishoes we, as a country, are facing today. Today, we are in a tough position. We are in the middle of a war and now must also fix the economy which has gone downhill in the last decade. Millions have lost their jobs and will continue to do so if we do not start fixing this problem soon. It's going to take a while but it's better to try now than to lift ourselves from a bigger hole in the future. I think this is the biggest issue today along with the war in Iraq and the war on terror.
The wars that are now going on are not doing anything to help us. We are trying to help Iraq? Most don’t want us there. We are so worried about money yet are spending millions on Iraq. We need to focus on making ourselves happy just as much as we need to focus on making peace with other countries. That itself will help in the war against terror. Every little effort we make can lead to solving bigger issues. You must do what you think is right and what you think will make the people happy, though the majority thoughts of people now may be the minority in the future.
Another big ishoe is ejucation. What kids learn in school leads to the future of this country. The future president of the United States is now in school, learning about our country, learning from experiences that may affect the world in 20 years. School is very important and needs to focused on with great care but No Child Left Behind is not the way to do it. This plan has led to simplified classes. It has caused teachers to teach below their potential and students to learn below their potential as well. Mere facts we memorize are not going to help in the future. If you went into half of the classes today and asked the kids why they are learning what they are, they would not have a respectable answer besides that the material is on a test they must pass. Students need to know why they are learning and how it will help them in the future. There are other ways to put more stress on healthy education. Nintendo spends more money on research and development than the U.S. Federal Government spends on research and innovation in education.
Your presidency will be one of the most important in history. What you accomplish will help make or break this country in the long run. We all know that it will not be easy to fix what has already been done to the economy and the people, but the next year is crucial in beginning the process of rebuilding the United States of America. I am proud to live in such a wonderful place and I am terribly lucky. It would be a shame to see it go in the next few years.
I am looking forward to a positive year and I hope to see some changes for the better.
Thank you,
Dania J.
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